Well, here we are! Difficult to believe that there are only few more hours left in 2014!
Honestly, I cannot wait! No, really! At my age you would think it will be disappointing that another year has passed by.... but this is not the case with 2014. Goodbye and good riddance!

Okay, okay, okay! I am still the same happy, go lucky, optimistic and super positive Ms. Sunshine. But this year really beat me up! And no it was not the long, cold and super snowy winter of 2014 or "what happen to the summer" summer of 2014. Well, those might have contributed a little bit. These were the very many events that took place in my business and personal life.
Oh the rollercoaster of life! It is exciting and unpredictable and it is not easy to get off of it. I have a feeling there are many of you that caught that ride. So, pretty sure you know what I am talking about. And let me add that I am not a fan of rollercoasters at all!
I really do not want to bore you with going on and on and on about rollercoaster (I think I am going to be sick!) so let's get to the point. All the fun talk aside, this is life people and it is full of unpredictable events, ups and downs, sharp turns and of course unforgettable experiences! Think about it, where will you be if you got off of this ride? How far are you willing to go?
For me the ride keeps going on and on. Am I ready to get off of it? Absolutely not! Yes sure this year has been a trying one, but there were so many happy moments and plenty of opportunities to learn new lessons. And for me that what life is all about. Every day, every week, every month and every year I learn more! I learn more about the world, I learn more about my surroundings, I learn more about my business, I learn more about people around me and most importantly I learn more about myself!
So let me finish this post by saying a big THANK YOU to 2014! Yes, it has been one of the toughest years in a while but I made it through and grew wiser, stronger and happier! Yes, happier! I realized that I lost myself somewhere few years ago but 2014 helped me to find myself again!
I am very grateful to 2014 for all that it brought my way! I am very grateful to 2014 for reminding me of the woman I am! I am very grateful to 2014 for bringing my life back to me!
It is my hope that you are as grateful to 2014 as I am. You lived and now you are entering a new year and a chance for a new beginning (if you need one). It is super exciting!
So raise your glasses and enjoy the ride! Just don't forget to put the safety belt on!!!! Oh, and there is no such thing as a free ride!
Have a very Happy New Year! Wish you all great health, great love, great peace and great success in 2015!
And of course don't forget to
Be Active! Be Involved! Be a Current Woman!
Honestly, I cannot wait! No, really! At my age you would think it will be disappointing that another year has passed by.... but this is not the case with 2014. Goodbye and good riddance!

Okay, okay, okay! I am still the same happy, go lucky, optimistic and super positive Ms. Sunshine. But this year really beat me up! And no it was not the long, cold and super snowy winter of 2014 or "what happen to the summer" summer of 2014. Well, those might have contributed a little bit. These were the very many events that took place in my business and personal life.
Oh the rollercoaster of life! It is exciting and unpredictable and it is not easy to get off of it. I have a feeling there are many of you that caught that ride. So, pretty sure you know what I am talking about. And let me add that I am not a fan of rollercoasters at all!

For me the ride keeps going on and on. Am I ready to get off of it? Absolutely not! Yes sure this year has been a trying one, but there were so many happy moments and plenty of opportunities to learn new lessons. And for me that what life is all about. Every day, every week, every month and every year I learn more! I learn more about the world, I learn more about my surroundings, I learn more about my business, I learn more about people around me and most importantly I learn more about myself!

I am very grateful to 2014 for all that it brought my way! I am very grateful to 2014 for reminding me of the woman I am! I am very grateful to 2014 for bringing my life back to me!
It is my hope that you are as grateful to 2014 as I am. You lived and now you are entering a new year and a chance for a new beginning (if you need one). It is super exciting!

Have a very Happy New Year! Wish you all great health, great love, great peace and great success in 2015!
And of course don't forget to
Be Active! Be Involved! Be a Current Woman!