Today, I'd like to re-introduce you to one of my favorite Business Woman, Mompreneur, Author, Blogger, Radio Correspondent, Speaker, and Mentor. I was very fortunate to score an interview with this very busy amazing woman. So, without any further delay, re-introducing
Erica Diamond.
Olga: Erica, in a short period of time you've accomplished many endeavors. What drives you to be a business woman of your caliber?
Erica: This is a very good question. I've never been asked this. Honestly, I think it's genetic. My parents are very accomplished individuals: my Dad is a successful businessmen and my Mom is a Therapist. So, from the early age I've been exposed to "drive" in the flesh. And I kinda live by the motto "Go hard or go hard".
Olga: It is very important to have a mentor in any endeavour. What is your advice on finding a mentor and what to look for in one?
Erica: Mentors are very important. The best thing to do, is to find someone that is an expert in your field of interest. This should be a person that has accomplished success before you and is a good teacher. Your mentor should also be able to open some doors for you.
Make a wish list of who you would want as a mentor, and start there via telephone or reach out via email. There are many resources on-line as well.
Olga: Just like a
Woman on the Fence, you carry many roles. How do you find the time?
Erica: Hahaha! It is hard! Very, very hard! My keys are focus, discipline and the support of my loved ones. One of the most important thing is to take time for you. Schedule that time! It is very important for your sanity, health and creativity.
My escape comes in the form of the gym 3-4 times a week, or whenever I can schedule in an hour of "me time". Trust me, there are days that I literally have to drag myself to the gym. But, this is my time, no Blackberry, no email, no phone, just me and the gym. A little bit of nightly "me time" comes after my boys go to bed - I have a nightly bath, watch some TV and spend time with my husband. There are a few other things that you can do to keep a healthy mind and body: ask your loved ones to take care of kids once in a while, get together with your friends, take that walk, treat yourself to a manicure. As multitasking women and moms, often the pace is so frenetic, so "you time" becomes extremely important.
Olga: I understand that you recently published your first book. What urged you to write the book and was it

Erica: Funny story. It all started with my husband getting sick and needing to go to the hospital, we suspected that he had H1N1. In the waiting room I was sitting next to a woman that brought her daughter in for exact the same reason. We started chatting, and Helen Georgaklis, the founder of 99 Book Series reached out to me the very next day to write a business book for women. I loved the whole concept of the Series, I jumped at the opportunity. The hardest part was writing the outline. Once that was done, the words flew out of me at lightning speed.
Olga: As one of the reasons of
"100 Reasons for 100 Years", what would be your definition of a current woman?
Erica: A Current Woman is a woman that goes through life with honesty, integrity, hard work, poise and grace. We all have busy lives and many responsibilities. I do not believe in the perfect woman. Instead of striving for perfection, strive for excellence, and do the best you can, with what you've got.
Olga: Erica, you have knowledge, experience and success. How do you give back to the "world"?
Erica: I give back to the universe in a few ways:
Firstly, my time. I’m a serial volunteer in my community, working on many charity efforts, as well as sitting on the board of my sons’ school. I give back through money – charity. I give back through my work- speaking, blog, book, radio... hoping that my words, as well as the words of the experts on my site will help women realize greatness and help them to become the best they can be.
Olga: Last question. I am sure all of your followers will be interested in this question. What is the near future for
Women On The Fence?
Erica: The goal is to spread The
Women On The Fence message and brand, and continue to help women around the world in all aspects of their lives - career, health, marriage, with kids, friendships, etc... You can already find Erica Diamond and
Women On The Fence online, in book format, in speaking format, in radio format. The next area I would love to conquer would be television. Let's wait and see. I have a few things brewing.
Olga: Erica, thank you very much for your time and sharing your experience. I know I am one of the women that will continue following you and your endeavors.
And so, here you have it. Once again Erica Diamond,
Current Woman of our time, graciously shared her knowledge and experience with us. Hope you enjoyed the interview, I know I did.
Please let me know about women that you think deserve to be in
"100 Reasons for 100 Years" series. You might want to share your story. Let me know. I'll be happy to consider that.
In the mean time, keep up the good work, stay focused and healthy.
Have a fantastic day and remember,
Be Active! Be Involved! Be a Current Women!